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HabitAware Mockup.jpeg

HabitAware Website: Research and Design Iteration

Project Overview

As a UX researcher and designer, I worked with a team of 4 colleagues to design improvements to user-facing touch-points that improve the user experience and usability of the HabitAware website, a Minnesota-based company focused on helping people with subconscious body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). 

My Role: UX/UI researcher and designer.



Stakeholder Interview, Secondary Research, Experience Mapping, and Wireframing.


Slack, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, FigJam, Figma, Pages, and Keynote. 

How can the HabitAware journey help people struggling with BFRBs?

Defining The Problem

People struggling with BFRBs who are interested in the behavior-changing bracelet offered by HabitAware need to be informed that recovering from BFRBs is a multi-step process and journey combining the bracelet with peer coaching and community support so that people can experience complete recovery from BFRB and no longer have to live with the associated shame and stigma of BFRBs.  

Design Strategy Statement and Guiding Principles

Design Strategy Statement

All user experience touch-points for HabitAware will help individuals who exhibit subconscious behaviors and wish to change these patterns as well as health professionals looking to assist patients with behavior modification to feel supported and/or empowered in their choices so that they can bring awareness to their subconscious behaviors through the use of a device, community-based support, and coaching. We will do this by focusing on a holistic treatment plan and how it is presented in critical touch-points. As a result, we hope to see a change in conversion and positive feedback.  

Guiding Principles

  1. A device is only one piece of the overall process. HabitAware offers a combination of options to aid in treatment for BFRBs.

  2. Overcoming a strong, subconscious pattern takes time, and a system with support and personal accountability help sustain an overall goal.

  3. Users want to connect to an existing community with like-minded people who are experiencing the same disorder. 

Experience Map

HabitAware Experiance Map.jpg

This Experience Map shows the experience and potential pain points that HabitAware site visitors and users may encounter when exploring and interacting with the company website.

Touch-point Prototype Home Page Redesign

Lo-Fi Wireframe

Touch-point Prototype Home Page Redesign

Annotated Wireframe
HabitAware Homepage Prototype Annotations.1.jpeg

GLAAM Masterclass Page Redesign 

Hi-Fi Wireframes by Liz Chiles
4. GLAAM Page Annotations - Liz Chiles_combined.png

HabitAware Digital Advertisements

Advertising Designs by Trevor Charon

Referral Process for GLAMM Classes

Storyboard by Ayantu Gamtessa

Suzie Discovers HabitAware to Help Treat Her BFRB

Storyboard by Matt Collins
7. Storyboard Prototype - Matt Collins_combined.png

Secondary Research 

Collabortive Team Research

Next Steps

  • Meet with the HabitAware stakeholders to discuss design strategy, experience map, and prototyped potential solutions. 


  • Iterate prototype designs based on stakeholder feedback. 


  • Conduct usability testing on iterated prototypes.

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